How to Face Your Fears (And the Thing I’m Most Afraid of)

Facing your fears without freaking out advice

Today Let’s Talk About How to Face Your Fears

Why? Because I am a scaredy cat.

The thing that scares me the most is almost certainly not the thing that scares you the most, but we all have fears and unless we face them, our live are not as rich and full as they could be.

Want to hear what I’m afraid of?

Making phone calls. 

I know! I know. It sounds so, so silly. I’m not afraid to call to order a pizza, I’m afraid to call people and businesses that might have an impact on my success. So I’m doing this new thing where I am trying to learn how to face my fears without freaking out.

For instance, a few weeks ago I sat down and made a list of things I was afraid to do. One item on that list was about me applying to Woolworth Walk, which is a gallery in Asheville, NC (about 25 minutes from my house).

I’ve thought about applying to this place for more than a year, but I’ve never done it. I even went there one day and asked what the process was, and that was super, duper scary, but then I did nothing with the information.

The thing is, I know they only take applications certain times of year. I know this because I’ve emailed them (because I’m afraid to call them) and have gotten this information before. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember when those times of years were, exactly.

A few nights ago I was journaling before bed and I reviewed the list of scary things I’d written down earlier in the month. Most of them weren’t feeling as scary to me, so I wanted to make a fresh list of things I would do THE NEXT DAY. EEEEEEK.

On my list was to call Woolworth Walk. To ask them if they are still taking applications and ask when a good time to come in would be. Also on my list was to call Twigs and Leaves, which is a lovely local gallery about ten minutes from my house, to find out their process for submitting work. (I even mentioned them in a previous blog post about things I was scared to do.)

I went to bed feeling good about my list and slept well.

The next day I got to work with  my usual, non-scary stuff. You know, painting, posting on Instagram, writing, etc.

Then I remembered my list. I’m not kidding you, my blood ran cold. 

Yes, the thought of making two simple phone calls brought up scarier feelings than you can possibly believe. At first I even emailed Woolworth Walk with my question instead of calling them! I had so, so many excuses in my head, you would not believe it. Actually, you probably would, because I bet you’ve been there.

It was nagging at me that I wasn’t doing these two scary things. Seriously. So I took a big breath and picked up the freaking phone.

First I called Woolworth Walk. I found out that yes, they’re taking applications now until the end of June. I wrote it down in my book that I WILL SUBMIT TO THEM BY THE END OF JUNE! I’m yelling because I want you to remind me and hold me accountable.

Then I got even braver, since that phone call wasn’t so bad, and called Twigs and Leaves. A young sounding woman named Tiffany answered, and I asked my question and she was very helpful and the process is very straightforward! I don’t even have to go there in person to apply, I can email files, which helps me tremendously (because I’m a scaredy cat).

I felt really proud of myself after making those calls, and then went on to do most of the other things on my list.

Here’s How You Can face your fears, too

I’m sharing this story with you because it’s amazing how the simplest, tiniest little thing, something that someone else would shrug off as ridiculously easy, can be the thing that’s standing in the way of your living your dreams. 

I challenge you to make a list of what you’re afraid to do. I challenge you to pick one of those things and do it TODAY. Notice the excuses in your head and do it ANYWAY.

I know, I know, there are a lot of capital letters in my post today. It’s just that I don’t want your fears to hold you back from doing something you love that will make a huge positive impact on your one life.

So please: Name the scary thing. It doesn’t matter if it feels silly or stupid to you. Name it. Now do it. Tell someone you’re going to do it so you’re held accountable. Please just take this first step. It feels so much scarier than it turns out to be.

UPDATED OCTOBER 2019: Guess what? I was accepted to Woolworth Walk! They’re a popular place, so I’m waiting for a spot there, but I’m in! I was ghosted by Twigs and Leaves, but at least I contacted them and sent them my work. Are you working on facing your fears yet?