10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind (So You Can Live a Peaceful Life)

Are you ready to quiet your mind and let your soul speak?

10 ways to quiet your mind jen picicci

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I started doing what we call Reconnection Time.

After our daughter is in bed, we meet in our own bedroom and talk about our day.

We talk about what went well, what we wish we’d done differently, and whatever else in on our minds. I know it’s only been two weeks, but it’s made a HUGE difference in the quality of our communication and my overall feelings of well being.

Except there’s this one thing I noticed: I end up telling my husband the same things over and over about what’s worrying me or making me feel stressed out.

Just hearing myself say the same things more than a few times in one week made one thing very, very clear: I’ve still got a lot of work to do when it comes to quieting my mind and breaking free from the thought patterns that run my life.

And that’s why I decided I’d write this list of ten ways to quiet your mind, because if I need it, I’m sure other people need it, too.

10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind
#1 Pick a mantra and stick to IT

I always have a zillion ideas in my head for how I’m going to improve this and that, but having so many ideas makes it hard to stick to just one. That’s why this week I picked a mantra: I make a living as an artist. If my mind is going in circles, I simply repeat this phrase. It may not make my mind completely quiet, but it certainly gives it something positive to chew on so I can get on with my life.

#2 Exercise

Sometimes just taking a walk out in nature gets my mind to STFU, but if that doesn’t work, hard exercise usually does the trick. I’m sure there’s some scientific reason why this works, but I’m not going to look that up at the moment.

#3 Journal

Okay, so this may make your mind work even more, but if you can let it pour through you and let it go, rather than hanging on to every little thought, this can be a good way to your empty your mind. (Check out journal prompts right here.)

#4 Write to your intuition

Favorite! I looooooove doing this right before bed, because it makes me super calm and super chill. (You can read about how to talk to your intuition right here!)

#5 Go to sleep

I know, I know, this is kind of a cop out, but for real, sometimes when your mind is getting the better of you, and you can’t do anything to get it to quiet down, sleep is the answer.

#6 Be present with the people in your life

Yes, “be present” is all the rage when it comes to motivational quotes on Pinterest, but have you ever actually tried it? I’ve been doing this lately when I’m with my daughter: Stop, take a deep breath, and just look at her. Not in a creepy staring way, but in a taking it all in way. I don’t let thoughts of the outside world get in, I just notice what she’s saying, what’s she’s doing, what she’s asking of me. It’s so rare to actually be present in the now, as we’re always so busy worrying about what’s going to happen tomorrow or next year or when our car breaks down.

#7 Draw, play music, dance, whatever works for you

I’ve told you before, creating art helps me get into a flow state and leave my troubles behind. My mind is rarely chattering at me when I’m painting, and you can get the same thing from any activity you enjoy.

# 8 Meditate

I know you know this one. I know. I’m still telling you again.

#9 Watch TV

Not what you’d expect, right? Sometimes, though, I notice that if I can get absorbed into a show I’m in a better mood once it’s over, because I haven’t been ruminating over the state of my life. This is a good temporary fix, but not one that will solve longer term or bigger issues.

#10 Hang with a friend

Another thing that really helps me get out of my head. I can be in a grumpy mood, letting thoughts swirl and swirl, but after a good friend session I feel lighter and I realize that I’ve let my mind rest on easier, happier subjects.

I’ve finally realized that quieting my mind and letting go of persistent, stressful thoughts is probably going to be a lifelong project for me. When I look back over my life, I know it’s gotten easier and I’m more well-adjusted, but there are still times I wonder why I haven’t gotten the hang of this being mindful, still, and present thing. Uh, because I’m a human, that’s why.

I wish you well in your own pursuit of quiet. And if you want a free art journaling exercise to help you pursue some mental quiet, try this!